Embarking on the journey of PHP programming on your local machine doesn’t have to be daunting. This comprehensive guide is a step-by-step walkthrough, tailored for beginners, enabling you to effortlessly set up and run PHP files using XAMPP. Let’s dive in.

What is XAMPP?

XAMPP is a software package that facilitates setting up a local web server environment for running PHP-based applications. The name stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MySQL (M), PHP (P), and Perl (P). It bundles these components into an easy-to-install package, enabling users to create a server environment on their personal computer or local machine. This setup allows developers to develop and test web applications without the need for an internet connection or a remote server.

The Four Core Components of XAMPP:

  • Apache: The web server processing PHP files, transforming them into HTML for user browsers. With over 50% of websites using Apache, it’s a pivotal tool in web hosting;
  • MySQL: Vital for dynamic websites, MySQL is an open-source, widely adopted database management system;
  • PHP: The server-side scripting language powering renowned sites like WordPress and Facebook. PHP, exclusively executed by Apache, forms the backbone of numerous CMS systems and works seamlessly with MySQL;
  • Perl: A high-level, dynamic programming language primarily used in networking and system administration.

How to install XAMPP:

Here’s a guide on how to install XAMPP:

  1. 1. Download XAMPP: Visit the official XAMPP website: https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html Select the version that matches your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux). Download the installer file;
  2. Run the Installer: Double-click the downloaded installer file. If prompted, provide administrator permissions. Follow the on-screen instructions;
  3. Choose Installation Directory: Select a suitable installation location (usually the default is fine). Avoid choosing a directory under Program Files or other protected areas to prevent potential permission issues;
  4. Select Components (Optional): You can choose which components to install (Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc.). Keep the default selections if unsure;
  5. Start the Installation: Click “Next” to begin the installation process;
  6. Launch XAMPP Control Panel: Once installed, open the XAMPP Control Panel. This panel allows you to start and stop Apache and MySQL servers, access configuration files, and manage databases;
  7. Start Apache and MySQL: In the XAMPP Control Panel, click the “Start” buttons next to Apache and MySQL. Wait for both services to start successfully (indicated by green “Running” status);
  8. Test the Installation: Open your web browser and type “http://localhost” in the address bar. If XAMPP is installed correctly, you’ll see the XAMPP welcome page.

Additional Notes:

  • Disable Antivirus/Firewall: Temporarily disable antivirus or firewall software during installation to prevent interference;
  • Port Conflicts: If you encounter port conflicts with other applications, you may need to adjust XAMPP’s port settings.

 Refer to the XAMPP documentation or online resources for troubleshooting assistance.

Testing Your Setup

Create a test PHP file named ‘testfile.php’ in ‘F:\xampp\htdocs’:


<?php echo "My First PHP Script"; ?>

Access ‘localhost/testfile.php’ in your browser. Witness “My First PHP Script” displayed—a testament to your successful XAMPP installation.


This tutorial covered fundamental aspects of installing XAMPP and running PHP locally for application testing. Although not exhaustive, it serves as a primer for aspiring web developers.

In your journey toward mastering PHP development, establishing a local environment is a crucial step. This guide touched upon the essentials of XAMPP and PHP for local execution, providing a launching pad for your web development endeavors. Share your thoughts in the comments and feel free to seek guidance on any installation hurdles.

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